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Talking about the function of lime

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Talking about the function of lime

Date of release:2018-08-23 Author: Click:

Lime We all know quicklime and hydrated lime, so what is active lime? Active lime mainly refers to slaked lime with high activity. This kind of lime is mainly made by active lime kiln. The structure of lime is simple and the fuel adaptability is strong. Compared with other ordinary limes, the performance of active lime is better. Active lime is also relatively strong in function. The main functions of active lime are:

   (1) Lime milk and mortar Add a lot of slaked lime powder or lime paste to paint. Lime paste or slaked lime powder can be used to prepare lime mortar or cement-lime mixed mortar for masonry or plastering projects.

   (2) Lime stabilized soil The mixture obtained by mixing slaked lime powder or quicklime powder into various crushed or originally loose soils, after mixing, compacting and curing, is called lime stabilized soil. It includes lime soil, lime stabilized gravel soil, lime gravel soil and so on. Lime stabilized soil has certain strength and water resistance. It is widely used as the foundation of buildings, the cushion of the ground and the pavement base of roads.

Active lime manufacturers

(3) Silicate products use lime (slaked lime powder or quicklime powder) and siliceous materials (sand, fly ash, pozzolan, slag, etc.) as the main raw materials, and can be made into bricks after batching, mixing, molding and curing. , Blocks and other products. Because the internal gelling material is mainly hydrated calcium silicate, it is called silicate products. Commonly used are lime sand bricks and fly ash bricks.

   Compared with ordinary lime, active lime manufacturers have stronger sewage treatment capacity. Secondly, the lime produced by different lime kilns will be different. The role of lime is also related to the firing of the lime kiln

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