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Storage and transportation of calcium oxide

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Storage and transportation of calcium oxide

Date of release:2020-06-04 Author: Click:

1. Precautions for transportation: The packaging must be complete at the time of shipment, and the loading must be secure. During transportation, ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall, or be damaged. Mixed shipment and transportation with combustibles or combustibles, acids, edible chemicals, etc. is strictly prohibited. Transport vehicles should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment during transportation. Not suitable for transportation in rainy days; how much is active lime

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  2. Storage precautions: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. The humidity in the warehouse is preferably not more than 85%. The packaging must be completely sealed to prevent moisture absorption. It should be stored separately from easily (combustible) combustibles, acids, etc., and avoid mixed storage. The storage area should be equipped with suitable materials to contain the leakage.

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