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Application of active lime in primary refining

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Application of active lime in primary refining

Date of release:2019-07-19 Author: Click:

Lime is the main slag-making material for steelmaking. It has the ability of desulfurization and dephosphorization and is used in large amounts. Its quality has an important influence on the blowing process, the quality of steel products and the life of the furnace lining. Therefore, the lime needs to have high calcium oxide content, low silica and sulfur content, low burn rate of lime, high activity, and suitable lumpiness (5-50mm), and it should be kept clean. , Dry and fresh. Active lime has all the above characteristics. Active lime manufacturers

Active lime manufacturers

The purpose of adding lime to steelmaking is desulfurization, dephosphorization, and desiliconization. The calcium oxide in lime cannot participate in the above-mentioned effects in a solid state. Small particles of active lime have large porosity and large specific surface area, and the diffusion rate of steel slag to lime is fast, especially when the converter smelting time is short, calcium oxide must be highly active to be able to slag in a short time. Active lime has the characteristics of fine grains, high porosity, low volume density, specific surface area, etc. It is used for steelmaking and slagging quickly, short smelting time, and good desulfurization and dephosphorization effects. Because the common feature of steelmaking desulfurization and dephosphorization is high alkalinity, and the active lime itself has low sulfur and phosphorus content. Therefore, it has a good desulfurization and phosphorus effect during smelting. The early dephosphorization rate can reach more than 90%, which is 15% higher than ordinary lime dephosphorization; at the same time, it can reduce the amount of lime added; it can reduce the amount of steel slag generated, thereby increasing the yield of molten steel; it reduces the heat loss in the furnace and increases the scrap ratio. The smelting output has been increased; splashing has been reduced, and the blow loss rate has been reduced (1%-3%); the molten steel has been purified and the quality of molten steel has been improved; the corrosion of the furnace lining has been reduced, the furnace age has been improved, and the maintenance cost of the furnace lining has been reduced.

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