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Introduction to common uses of activated ash

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Introduction to common uses of activated ash

Date of release:2018-08-23 Author: Click:

With the continuous economic development, the application materials of building materials are also increasing. Among the active lime manufacturers, the new types of lime materials are also increasing. We need to know more about the application characteristics of these new lime materials when we apply them. In this way, this material can be applied more conveniently. Let's take a look at the characteristics of these new lime materials.

Active lime manufacturer

   Metallurgical lime is used as a "slagging agent" for steelmaking, and its importance has gradually gained people's attention and recognition. It not only affects the smelting process of molten steel, but also directly affects the quality of molten steel. High-quality "active lime" with good quality, quick response and thorough slagging has been widely used internationally to replace the "ordinary lime" used in the past, laying the foundation for smelting high-quality molten steel. The application of natural lime speeds up the smelting and slagging speed, shortens the smelting time, reduces the consumption of lime per ton of steel, reduces the introduction of impurities, greatly improves the quality of molten steel, and brings significant comprehensive benefits to the enterprise. A consensus has been formed.

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