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Lime manufacturer introduces product use

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Lime manufacturer introduces product use

Date of release:2018-08-23 Author: Click:

With the increase in steel output and the acceleration of the smelting cycle, active lime price steel mills have increasingly strict requirements on the output and quality of lime used for smelting and slagging, especially the research and development of active lime. The application fields of active lime are very wide. The following active lime manufacturers will take you to briefly understand the basic information of the product.

Sintered active lime

  The activity of lime is expressed by the number of milliliters of 4mol/L hydrochloric acid consumed to neutralize the Ca(OH)2 produced during the digestion of quicklime. Generally, the average value of lime activity exceeds 300ml/4N-HCl, which can significantly shorten the initial slagging time of the steel-making converter, reduce the consumption of lime per ton of steel, and is extremely beneficial to the early removal of P. It is called active lime. Limestone raw materials with less impurities should be selected for the production of active lime. The impurities associated with limestone, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, etc., will react with the calcined lime calcium oxide at a lower temperature. The combination of CaO particles and these impurities will reduce the activity of the lime. In addition, Na2O impurities easily form some glass phases. These molten compounds will block the pores on the surface of the lime and reduce the reaction capacity of the lime. At the same time, it will block the discharge of CO2 gas and cause the lime to burn.

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