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What is the difference between active lime and ordinary lime

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What is the difference between active lime and ordinary lime

Date of release:2019-07-19 Author: Click:

With the development of the construction industry, the demand for building materials has gradually increased, and more and more people have begun to use active lime instead of ordinary lime. This is true whether it is the steel smelting industry or the construction industry. Active lime is similar to ordinary lime, but its activity is stronger during use, which can improve the production efficiency during use. What is the difference between active lime and ordinary lime? Active lime price

Active lime price

The raw materials used to produce active lime are mainly carbonate rocks, and the elemental composition is mainly CaCO3, which is what we usually call limestone. There are many types of limestone, and the common ones are: granular crystalline limestone, dense limestone, porous limestone, earthy limestone, marl limestone, chalk, dolomite, shell-calcined river pebbles, etc. As the main chemical components of active lime have higher requirements for the content of calcium oxide, it should generally reach more than 90%. At the same time, the content of impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus should be as low as possible. Therefore, there are clear requirements for the quality of the raw material limestone for the production of active lime. In the selection or use of lime raw materials, among many grades of limestone, the content of calcium oxide is often greater than 54%, and the content of impurities such as silicon dioxide, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium oxide, iron trioxide, and aluminum oxide is low. The valuable limestone is used as the raw material for calcining active lime. Because it is the primary guarantee for realizing the physical and chemical properties that the active lime product should have, this is very important.

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