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Active lime production process

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Active lime production process

  • Taxonomy:Active lime

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  • Date of release:2021/09/15
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Detailed introduction


The application of active lime has a lot to do with its morphological characteristics and application characteristics. If active lime wants to use this substance more effectively, we need to pay more attention to the morphological characteristics and application characteristics of active lime.

The volume density of active lime is small. The porosity is large, the specific surface area is large, and the chemical purity is high, so it has high activity. Production practice has proved that the use of active lime in converter steelmaking can shorten the oxygen blowing time, increase the yield of molten steel, reduce the consumption of lime, and improve the effects of desulfurization and dephosphorization, which has an irreplaceable effect on improving the quality of steel.

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The last one:Active lime use
The next one:Application of active lime
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