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Definition and function of lime activity

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Definition and function of lime activity

Date of release:2018-08-23 Author: Click:

(1) Determination of lime activity by acid-base titration.

(2) Index of lime activity

An index that characterizes the hydration reaction rate of quicklime is expressed in milliliters of 4mol/L hydrochloric acid consumed to neutralize the Ca(OH)2 produced during the digestion of quicklime within sufficient time.

(3) The definition of the activity of lime: the structure of lime is closely related to the calcination temperature and calcination time. The organization structure that affects the activity of lime includes bulk density, porosity, specific surface area and grain size of CaO minerals. The smaller the crystal grain, the larger the specific surface area, the higher the porosity, the higher the lime activity and the stronger the chemical reaction ability.

Active lime production

(4) Application: Steelmaking practice shows that this kind of lime can increase the dephosphorization and desulfurization efficiency by 80%, while shortening the smelting time. It can completely react with the acidic substances in the molten steel within 3-5 minutes, while the general lime should take time At least 6-10min. In addition, the furnace age is increased by more than 40%, and the consumption of charge is also reduced by 5-8kg/t steel. Calculated by 10 million tons, the annual saving is about 15 million, and the production benefit is significant.

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